Theorie-Examen CBR (English)
- Official CBR Theorie-exam
- Arranged for you by RIJschool SEQure
Official Theory Exam at the CBR. This Exam is arranged for you by RIJschool SEQure. For this Theory Exam you have to go to a CBR Exam location yourself.
You don’t do your exam alone! At RIJSchool SEQure for Weert and surroundings, we don’t believe in coincidences. We therefore have many different learning possibilities on our webshop to help you prepare for the theory exam. You can study the theory online, or even take in theory in small portions every day with the ‘Your SEQure App’. That way there is something for everyone and you can optimally prepare for the CBR theory exam at your pace. Of course, you have to study the theory yourself. Of course, your instructor is always ready to answer any questions you may have.
Everything for your DRIVING LICENSE B!
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